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Managing Projects (Online)

Learn how to:


  • Master fundamental project management skills, concepts and techniques
  • Link project goals and objectives to clear, compelling stakeholder needs
  • Develop work breakdown structures
  • Set realistic, measurable objectives and ensure positive results
  • Estimate project costs and schedules using simple, proven techniques
  • Establish a dependable project control and monitoring system


Course Topics

  1. Introduction to Project Management
  2. Project Initiation 
  3. Project Planning
  4. Project Implementation 
  5. Project Closeout 

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Professional Development Units (PDU): 28.0


Course Synopsis


Get a solid understanding of project management methods with this comprehensive introductory course. Gain practical experience in proven project management techniques and discover a wealth of valuable, flexible tools that you can use immediately to ensure the success of any project in any type of organisation.


Managing Projects gives you the foundation, experience, techniques and tools to manage each stage of the project life cycle, work within organisational and cost constraints, set goals tied directly to stakeholder needs, get the most from your project management team, and utilise state-of-the-art project management tools to get the work done on time and within budget.


Covering the entire project life cycle, this course is built around the latest insights from the Project Management Institute’s A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), which incorporates information critical to project success, are also highlighted.


You’ll learn project management skills through case studies, hands-on exercises and a broad array of practical experiences that can immediately be applied to your job. This approach yields a comprehensive project management experience, including the early stages of defining project requirements, developing work breakdown structures, project change control and closeout.


As the ESI Project Management Professional Development Program’s flagship course, Managing Projects opens the door to more efficient project implementation. The program’s other courses provide opportunities for you to build on the knowledge you gain during this course to enhance your project management capabilities.


As part of your course materials, you’ll also receive a copy of Project Management Terms: A Working Glossary, second edition, by J. LeRoy Ward, PMP






Código del Curso: MPS510
Precio: €920 + IVA
42 días de acceso

Descuento:  5% para usuarios Ingenieros.es

Más información:  formacion@ingenieros.es






The George Washington University


   Ficha completa del curso

ESI International

C/ Núñez de Balboa, 116, 2ª Planta, Local 202
28006 – Madrid
Tel: 91 700 48 70


Más información:  formacion@ingenieros.es

Managing Projects (Online)

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