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Risk Management (Online)


Learn how to:


  • Manage project risk using a proven process
  • Use quantitative and qualitative techniques to assess and categorise the risks inherent in any project
  • Identify acceptable levels of risk and assess the potential impact of risk factors
  • Control project risk using proven tools and techniques
  • Overcome psychological barriers to risk in stakeholders and team members
  • Get project sponsors to recognise that risk management actually saves money



Course Topics


  1. Introduction to Risk Management
  2. Idea Generation
  3. Risk Analysis
  4. Expected Value and Decision Trees
  5. Quantitative Analysis Tools
  6. Risk Response Development
  7. Risk Monitoring and Control
  8. A Risk Recap


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PMBOK® knowledge areas:


·         Project Risk Management


Professional Development Units (PDU): 28.0



Course Synopsis


Risk is the project manager’s inescapable partner. Arm yourself with a practical, process-orientated approach to managing the risk and uncertainty that are part of any project. Examine risk management in the context of the project life cycle, and identify the critical issues in assessing, limiting, and responding to risk. You’ll learn qualitative and quantitative techniques for assessing the impact of risk, and you’ll gain experience applying risk management strategies within a structured framework.


Each lesson in the course includes a realistic scenario and a problem related to risk—similar to those you face every day as a project manager—along with resources that will enable you to solve the problem. Reading assignments supplement what you learn in the lessons. Threaded discussion questions enable you to apply the content of the lessons to your own work situation, interact with other students, and receive personalised instructor feedback.


Take the uncertainty out of managing uncertainly with the proven strategies detailed in this powerful course. You’ll get a roadmap for steering clear of unnecessary risk and mitigating the impact of unavoidable challenges.


Nb. Participants attending this course should not take Software Risk Management.





Precio: €920 + IVA
42 días de acceso

Descuento:  5% para usuarios Ingenieros.es

Más información:  formacion@ingenieros.es






The George Washington University


   Ficha completa del curso


ESI International

C/ Núñez de Balboa, 116, 2ª Planta, Local 202
28006 – Madrid
Tel: 91 700 48 70


Más información:  formacion@ingenieros.es

Risk Management (Online)

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