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Quality for Project Managers (Online)


Learn how to:


·         Select from common models of quality management

·         Apply the five common principles of quality leadership in your project

·         Use continuous process improvement tools with confidence

·         Implement quality concepts at the process and project levels

·         Calculate the cost of non-conformance in your project

·         Develop a project quality plan that works with your project goals and structures



Course Topics


1.       Delivering Quality Has Become an Imperative

2.       Commitment to World-Class Management

3.       Customer Focus

4.       Process Orientation

5.       Continuous Process Improvement: Concepts, Tools, and Variation

6.       Quality Team Concepts


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PMBOK® knowledge areas:


·         Project Quality Management

·         Project Risk Management

·         Project Communication Management



Professional Development Units (PDU): 28.0



Course Synopsis


As economic pressures and competition continue to increase, many organisations are instituting continuous improvement programs to enhance the quality of their products and services, increase productivity, and reduce costs. These organisations employ proven leadership and management techniques to exceed their customers’ expectations consistently, improve organisational processes, and create positive and dynamic working environments.


Whether they call the programme total quality management, total process improvement, quality improvement process, or something else, world-class organisations agree that continuous improvement is the key to long-term competitiveness and survival. Project managers must incorporate quality principles to bring projects in line with corporate quality improvement goals. This course shows you how quality management concepts integrate with project management practices to create a system for implementing quality methods in a project plan.


You will learn about the philosophy and principles of continuous improvement and see how to translate these concepts into specific actions that are key to successful improvement efforts. Quality practices are illustrated by case studies and success stories. You will complete extensive exercises by using online tools and by applying what you have learned from lectures and readings. The text for the course is Quality Management for Projects and Programs by Lewis R. Ireland.


The strategies of continuous process improvement dovetail with project management concepts to increase your control over objectives, work, and performance. Master these proven methods and discover how quality contributes to project success.


Nb. Participants enrolled in this course should not take Managing Software Quality.





Precio: €920 + IVA
42 días de acceso

Descuento:  5% para usuarios Ingenieros.es

Más información:  formacion@ingenieros.es






The George Washington University


   Ficha completa del curso


ESI International

C/ Núñez de Balboa, 116, 2ª Planta, Local 202
28006 – Madrid
Tel: 91 700 48 70


Más información:  formacion@ingenieros.es

Quality for Project Managers (Online)

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