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Managing IT Projects (Online)


Learn how to:


·         Define the role of the IT project manager

·         Develop a results-driven project management team

·         Identify, interpret, and manage the real project requirements

·         Develop a focused project plan to manage IT projects

·         Estimate IT project costs and schedules using proven techniques

·         Find solutions to problems specifically related to IT projects



Course Topics


1.       Overview of IT Project Management

2.       Concept Phase

3.       Requirements Phase

4.       Planning Phase

5.       Design Phase

6.       Construction Phase

7.       Delivery Phase 


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Professional Development Units (PDU): 28.0



Course Synopsis


Today’s IT projects present unique challenges to the project manager requiring co-ordination with many stakeholders and integration of various technological capabilities. In Managing IT Projects, you’ll discover critical success factors and hidden risks inherent in IT projects - and you’ll leave with an understanding of strategies and techniques developed in the field by experienced IT project managers for successfully managing IT projects.


The course addresses all areas of IT project management: hardware, software, systems integration, communications and human resources. It addresses the role of the project manager and the project team at each phase of the project life cycle; helping you gain the foundation, basic experience, techniques and tools to manage each stage of your project. You’ll learn techniques to determine customer requirements, set goals tied directly to stakeholder needs, get the most from your project management team, and utilise project management tools to get work done on time and within budget.


You’ll learn IT project management skills through hands-on exercises, interactive case studies, and relevant discussions with your peers and an experienced IT project management instructor. This approach allows you to practice new skills and ask questions as you assimilate a broad array of practical experiences that can immediately be applied when you return to the workplace.


Reminder: Participants taking this course should not take Managing Projects.





Precio: €920 + IVA
42 días de acceso

Descuento:  5% para usuarios Ingenieros.es

Más información:  formacion@ingenieros.es






The George Washington University


   Ficha completa del curso


ESI International

C/ Núñez de Balboa, 116, 2ª Planta, Local 202
28006 – Madrid
Tel: 91 700 48 70


Más información:  formacion@ingenieros.es

Managing IT Projects (Online)

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