Learn how to:
· Define the role of the IT project manager
· Use a practical, eight-step process to manage IT project risk
· Identify threats and opportunities and weigh their relative value in your project
· Develop practical response strategies for common IT project risks
· Overcome stakeholder and team member roadblocks to risk strategy implementation
· Make risk and opportunity integral components of your next IT project plan
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Professional Development Units (PDU): 28.0
In this course, you’ll learn to look at risk management as a way to seize opportunities, minimize threats and achieve optimum results. You’ll work through the proactive approach to threat and opportunity - based on a clear understanding of the powerful nature of both qualitative and quantitative approaches to risk management.
IT Risk Management examines threat and opportunity from the perspective of ESI’s proven eight-step risk management process. Using effective tools, including ESI’s highly regarded risk assessment model, you’ll learn how to evaluate and respond to risk at the project and task levels. You’ll apply these tools from the course material to analyse and classify risks, determine how to establish an acceptable level of risk and develop a practical risk response plan.
Included in the course is a multi-part case study that takes you from a risk overview at the beginning of an IT project through the challenges of ongoing assessment and reassessment of threats and opportunities throughout the project. Included in the participant course material is comprehensive reference material that is specific to each unit of the course.
You’ll leave this course prepared to face the challenges and opportunities of risk management with new practices to apply in your environment and new insights on the implications and advantages of applying risk management well.
Precio: €920 + IVA
42 días de acceso
Descuento: 5% para usuarios Ingenieros.es
Más información: formacion@ingenieros.es
The George Washington University
ESI International
C/ Núñez de Balboa, 116, 2ª Planta, Local 202
28006 – Madrid
Tel: 91 700 48 70
Más información: formacion@ingenieros.es
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