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Testing Techniques for Tracing and Validating Requirements (OnLine)


Learn how to:


·         Recognize the role of the business analyst (BA) in the testing process

·         Validate the business requirements document (BRD) and analysis models

·         Verify that the solution conforms to the requirements

·         Communicate the importance of a testing methodology

·         Determine what to test and trace those requirements throughout the solution development life cycle (SDLC)

·         Develop and execute a test plan

·         Understand various testing techniques



Course Topics


1.       Introduction to Testing

2.       The Testing Process

3.       Levels and Types of Testing

4.       The Master Test Strategy

5.       Planning Testing

6.       Testing from the BA Perspective

7.       Test Case Design Techniques

8.       Executing the Plan


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Professional Development Units (PDU): 21.0



Course Synopsis


Don’t underestimate the importance of testing! To ensure project success, planning and executing the testing process must begin as soon as the vision and scope for the solution takes shape. As the requirements for the solution are elicited, the business analyst and the testing team develop and refine a master test plan to make sure it incorporates testing strategies for detecting any defects in the requirements, solution or corresponding documentation.


In this interactive course, you’ll work to develop a master test plan under the guidance of an experienced instructor. You will also perform exercises designed to help you establish a risk-based and comprehensive master test strategy for a testing effort. These activities help the business analyst ensure that all requirements trace back to the business need.


By attending this course, you’ll develop the competencies required to create test cases and scenarios and to ensure proper test coverage according to the risk level. You will also learn about the different levels and types of testing commonly used in solution development today.


Reminder: Before taking this course, you should have acquired the background as taught in How to Gather and Document User Requirements and Use Case Modeling.





Precio: €920 + IVA
42 días de acceso

Descuento:  5% para usuarios Ingenieros.es

Más información:  formacion@ingenieros.es






The George Washington University


   Ficha completa del curso


ESI International

C/ Núñez de Balboa, 116, 2ª Planta, Local 202
28006 – Madrid
Tel: 91 700 48 70


Más información:  formacion@ingenieros.es

Testing Techniques for Tracing and Validating Requirements (OnLine)

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